The Mwango Weekly
The Mwango Capital Podcast
Kenya's Budget Making Process

Kenya's Budget Making Process

Episode 63

In this episode recorded on 17.08.2023, we are joined by James Muraguri - CEO, Institute of Public Finance as we seek to understand Kenya's budget-making process and how to participate in it.

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Show Notes

00:00:00 Introduction

00:02:14 Institute of Public Finance 

00:05:45 Overview of the Budget Process

00:23:15 Is The Budget Process Short-Term Oriented?

00:31:42 Tools to Help Citizens Understand And Participate in the Process

00:36:33  Tokenistic Approach to Public Participation 

00:39: 41 Macro Outlook

00:42:51 Supplementary Budget

0:44:00 Need for Accountability at the County Level

The Mwango Weekly
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